An outpouring of support

As many of you know, and maybe some of you don’t, Maggie McGary has been the Online Community & Social Media Manager at ASHA since May 2008.  She is behind the @ASHAWeb and @ASHAConv handles and has been in charge of more or less their entire online presence (ASHASphere, LinkedIn groups, other member groups on the site, etc.) and has done a great job of keeping members and non-members abreast of all info SLP and AUD related in the online community.

Maggie is leaving ASHA to take on a new role with the FDA. It’s a tremendous opportunity for her and we’re all sad to see her go but want to wish her well in her next position.

Our community has become fantastic at supporting and showing our love and appreciation for each other. We’ve done it many times in the past. Let’s do a ‘sneak attack’ of appreciation and goodbye’s for Maggie before she leaves ASHA. Her last day is December 14th, but let’s start the outpouring December 5th.

If you would like to donate to a group farewell gift for Maggie, please email Heidi ( Heidi will be signing the card for the gift “Best Wishes and Love from the SLPeeps” followed by the names of the people who contribute – so if you aren’t on Twitter, you can still contribute and be acknowledged!  Also, Maggie’s ASHA email address is in case you want to send her a more personal (or longer) farewell.

UPDATE: I’m making this post public now because I feel that most of you have provided your support to Maggie and word is out pretty strongly. Thanks everyone for showing Maggie how much we love and appreciate her contributions to the online community of SLPs and Audiologists.

5 comments on “An outpouring of support

  1. Deborah Thornhill says:

    Hi Tanya, I am subscribed to your posts and follow you on Twitter…but don’t know the password.

    Debbie Thornhill, M.A., CCC-SLP Speech Language Pathologist

  2. Maggie,
    You have done an amazing job developing ASHA’s presence on the web. We were lucky to have to. You will be missed. Best of luck in your new position!!

  3. maggielmcg says:

    I feel like I’m ruining the surprise by commenting! ; ) But wanted to say THANK YOU! I’m so humbled by all the support and good wishes–it’s been wonderful working with you all and I’ll miss the passion and smarts of the #slpeeps and #audpeeps!! Although of course I won’t be far away since I’ll still be “seeing” you all on Twitter every day!

    • slptanya says:

      You’re not ruining the surprise, Heidi asked me to make it public now, since it’s been a week (ish) and you’re almost gone (sniff). Hope you saw the comment left by Kimberly Scanlon above.

      Yes, we’ll see you online for sure! Big shoes to fill, ASHA’s got it’s work cut out for it.

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